Welcome to our online store!
Zmdi-facebook Zmdi-twitter Zmdi-youtube-play Zmdi-instagramFederal law requiresthat we have your prescription on file before we ship your medicines. We’vetried to make this as easy as possible for you by providing several ways to getyour prescription to us. Please be sure to write or type your order number onyour prescription before sending it.
There are many different ways todigitize a written prescription allowing you to send it to us with minimal timeand effort. Using a standard desktop scanner provides an optimal quality scan,but often a well-lit, clear digital photo taken with a high quality camera phoneor similar can be more than sufficient. Our Customer Support team members areavailable and willing to help you with this and any other part of the orderingprocess if needed.
For questions orconcerns, or for more information about prescription requirements please feelfree to contact our Customer Support Executive during our standard businesshours- 10am to 7pm, Eastern Standard Time